Computer equipment is needed to complete the work in a company, to facilitate the retrieval of centralized data sharing resources, the computer must be connected to a local area network. Using the ip address, each different computer can connect to a local area network that is connected by cable or wireless intermediary, in facilitating access a server can apply a domain name server so that it is easy to remember the domain name instead of having to remember the ip address. This study uses several stages of the method, starting with analysis, namely analyzing hardware and software requirements, the second design is to design a network topology, the third implementation is to implement the configuration on the ubuntu server 16.04 and the fourth is to test the results of the implementation. in the tests carried out, testing the connection using the ip address and domain from the user to the server resulted in being connected, as well as testing the query with the nslookup command from the user's pc to the server resulting in being able to translate the domain address with the ip address
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