Informasi dan Komputer2024-08-28T04:26:24+00:00Rustam[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer (JIK) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh LPPM Institut Teknologi Bisnis Dan Bahasa Dian Cipta Cendikia, Indonesia. Jurnal JIK mencakup bidang Informatika dan Komputer. Terbit pertama kali pada tahun 2014 dalam versi cetak dan dipublikasikan secara online pada tahun 2018. Tujuan dari Jurnal JIK adalah menyebarluaskan hasil penelitian dan meningkatkan produktivitas publikasi ilmiah. Jurnal JIK terbit pada bulan april dan Oktober.</p> BANGUN DAN IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PEMBAYARAN ELEKTRONIK BERBASIS MOBILE PADA PT. XYZ2024-04-05T14:26:02+00:00Sabar Hanadwiputra[email protected]Dewi Ayu Puspitawati[email protected]Anang Hajiana[email protected]<p>This research aims to design and implement an electronic payment system at PT. XYZ who wants to develop a business from server-to-server or B2B to B2C for selling credit products and payments. The existing system does not fully support business development to B2C, such as large operational requirements due to having to use a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and licensing fees, to carry out product purchase transactions still using text format using chat platforms such as Telegram and SMS and the process is slow. system development. After knowing the existing obstacles, the author applies the PHP programming language as a web program that is used by admins to manage product and price data and Java to produce Android applications for use by end users or sellers such as shops, stalls and credit counters. To speed up the development process, the author uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method with the stages of Requirements Planning, System Design, Development Process and feedback collection and finally Implementation.</p>2024-04-05T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM MANAJEMEN PENGGUNA HOTSPOT DI UNIVERSITAS XYZ MENGGUNAKAN METODE WATERFALL2024-04-05T15:44:54+00:00Agus Tommy Adi Prawira Kusuma[email protected]I Made Dwi Ardiada[email protected]Gabriel Firsta Adnyana[email protected]Christian Tonyjanto[email protected]<p><em>The Hotspot Service at XYZ University is an internet connection facility provided for all faculty, students, and staff, which can be used to access learning materials and engage in online activities. The user data for the XYZ University hotspot is highly dynamic due to adjustments in the amount of data, influenced by the addition of new students and the reduction of users, such as graduated students. There is also a need to deactivate users who are restricted, such as students who have not completed their administrative obligations each semester. Therefore, the design of a web-based information system is necessary, integrated with other systems at XYZ University, starting from the human resource, admission, and academic, to the graduation information system. This integration allows for the automatic synchronization of the active status of hotspot users, effectively managing internet bandwidth usage at XYZ University by providing access only to eligible users. The design approach employed in this system is the waterfall model. This research results in a design for the hotspot user management system at XYZ University.</em></p>2024-04-05T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM INFORMASI PERSEDIAAN PADA TOKO ZONA ACCESSORIES DI JAKARTA MENGGUNAKAN COBIT 20192024-04-14T08:29:33+00:00Tuti Haryanti[email protected]Dina Melanda[email protected]<p><em>Zuno's Inventory Information System is an Inventory management Information System that has been running since 2018. Until now, no information system audit has been held. In its application, the Zuno Information System often experiences server down problems. So it is necessary to carry out an inventory information system audit. Zuno's Persediaan System Audit aims to assess the company's maturity level in implementing its information system, so that it is known what things need to be improved to achieve company goals. The method used is the COBIT 2019 framework. The audited domains, obtained from the COBIT 2019 mapping using the COBIT 2019 design toolkit are DSS01 – Managed Operations, DSS02 – Managed Service Requests and DSS03 – Managed Issues. Based on the audited domain, the DSS01 maturity value was obtained with a value of 2.98 with a maturity level of 3 which means that the application of information systems within the company has described the company's goals, DSS02 with a value of 3.68 with a maturity level of 3 as well and DSS04 with a value of 3.44 with a maturity level of maturity 4 which means the information system within the company is running well. The average gap value obtained is 0.63 from the expected maturity value of 4</em></p>2024-04-14T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DENGAN TOPIK CYBER LAW BERBASISKAN VIDEO ANIMASI2024-04-17T13:43:11+00:00Indriyani .Indriyani[email protected]Albert Fernando[email protected]I Kadek Anugrah Dewa Mahaputra[email protected]<p><em>The use of animated video-based learning media can increase students' interest and understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, this research aims to examine the use of Animaker website in making animated video-based learning media on Cyber Law material. The research methodology used is qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the use of Animaker can help improve students' understanding of Cyber Law material. In addition, the use of Animaker also accelerates the process of making animated videos that are interesting and easily understood by students. The implication of this research is that the use of Animaker can be used as an alternative in making learning media based on animated videos that are interesting and easily understood by students. In addition, further research can be conducted by testing the effectiveness of using Animaker on other subject matter and by comparing the effectiveness of using Animaker with other animated video making websites. </em></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## APLIKASI WEBSITE PENJUALAN JASA LAUNDRY BERBASIS MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER MENGGUNAKAN METODE AGILE2024-04-15T22:06:24+00:00Muhammad Akbar[email protected]Agung Susilo Yuda Irawan[email protected]Didi Juardi[email protected]<p><em>Current technological developments, especially computer technology, are progressing very rapidly.</em> <em>Technological developments can never be separated from the role of humans who always continue to develop and discover new innovations so that technology can be used to help and facilitate human work.</em> <em>In order to continue to survive, companies must be able to take advantage of all existing opportunities, develop strategies to overcome weaknesses and eliminate all obstacles, including in developing company technology. Naya Laundry is a laundry business service that has been established for 13 years and still uses a manual service system such as making laundry brochures and distributing them to several housing complexes, communicating between neighbors to disseminate laundry business information, transactions are recorded in books and notes. so that transactions and monthly income are recorded which could be lost or damaged</em><em>.</em> <em>For this reason, the author is trying to make a final assignment regarding the service sales system at Naya Laundry in Karawang, which until now has not been computerized.</em> <em>In software development, the author uses agile methods with the Laravel framework such as carrying out system analysis, design, implementation (coding), testing, documentation, release and maintenance.</em> <em>In application testing, alpha testing is used to test whether the software is appropriate or not and beta testing gets results of 85.75%.Development of a Laundry Service Sales Website Application Based on a View Controller Model is the best solution to solve the problems that exist at Naya Laundry Karawang, and with a computerized system effective activities can be achieved.</em></p>2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## BANGUN SISTEM PEMBERIAN REWARD DAN PUNISHMENT PADA SISWA SMP ISLAM ALAZHAR 62024-04-17T13:37:54+00:00Zaenal Mutaqin Subekti[email protected]HS Sulistyowati[email protected]Satria .[email protected]Ishak Husin[email protected]Widiyawati .[email protected]Aliy Hafiz[email protected]<p><em>Education plays a very important role in the development of the nation, because through the education sector Human Resources (HR) will be produced that are of higher quality and capable of developing the nation and state so that a just and prosperous society will be achieved. In teaching, a teacher is expected to be able to determine the appropriate teaching approach in the teaching and learning process. To improve students' reasoning in the teaching and learning process, it is also necessary to create an approach that can increase students' attention to the subject matter. The problem is how to persuade students or students to try to develop their enthusiasm for learning in order to get optimal achievement. One of the things that can be used as a solution to this problem is using reward and punishment methods, learning methods that are used to influence someone to improve learning achievement. Many people are familiar with this method. Initially this theory was the basis for the world of work, but recently it has also been used in the world of education. It is hoped that the reward and punishment method will encourage students to increase their willingness and awareness of learning so that their learning achievement and awareness of student violations can be improved. So the researchers created a reward and punishment system that was given in the form of small points which could later be accessed via the school website which could be monitored by the students' parents. This research provides a solution to such problems by using reward and punishment methods, learning methods used to influence someone to improve learning achievement. Reward and punishment points will be collected through an application that will be created. If a student's violation reaches the highest point, the student's parents will receive a summons notification via SMS. The application that will be created can be accessed by the student's parents to see the number of student rewards and punishments.</em></p>2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## METODE MULTI-KRITERIA FUZZY SYSTEM UNTUK MENGUKUR EFEKTIFITAS PADA BLOCKCHAIN PENDIDIKAN2024-04-15T22:21:27+00:00Martika Kesuma[email protected]Chairani Chairani[email protected]<p><em>Education has undergone significant changes due to technological developments, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which triggered the increased use of technology in online learning. One innovation that has attracted attention is Blockchain technology, which offers an alternative to information management by decentralizing data. However, the application of Blockchain technology in education is still limited, both due to a lack of understanding of its benefits and because of the technology's primary focus on finance and contracts. Nonetheless, some educational institutions have started utilizing Blockchain applications for verification and sharing of academic certificates. This research aims to select the best platform for Blockchain technology in education using the Multi-Criteria Fuzzy System Method to measure its effectiveness. The methodology steps involved the identification and review of available Blockchain platforms, as well as the use of Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis to select the most suitable platform in education. The results show that the Quorum Blockchain platform is the best choice for education, with the highest Fuzzy MCDA score. The use of Fuzzy MCDA method provides a strong foundation in determining the best Blockchain platform for education. This research highlights the importance of exploring Blockchain technology in improving the efficiency and security of the education process, and offers valuable insights for stakeholders in education and technology.</em></p>2024-04-15T22:19:57+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SINGLE PAGE APPLICATION PADA PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI E-LEARNING NUSABOT2024-04-15T22:56:10+00:00Salwa Nur Atifah[email protected]Aji Primajaya[email protected]Dadang Yusup[email protected]<p><em>Nusabot is an e-learning application that provides various paid online class programs with a focus on the Internet of Things (IoT). Instructors can hold the desired class by following the existing flow including checks carried out by the admin. Currently, the interaction between the admin and the instructor is still manual, starting from class and curriculum preparation, class submissions, and class approval or rejection. Only admins are given access rights for class management, especially adding and publishing classes and their curriculum. The process of adding classes and curriculum is also still inefficient because the addition forms are on different pages so the browser will reload the page every time data is added. For this reason, the system was developed by implementing a Single Page Application, especially in making access to instructors in preparing class curriculum. The method used in development is the Prototype model which focuses on users in development. This system uses the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework as the back-end and API services, React JS as the front-end, Inertia JS as the liaison between Laravel and React JS, and MySQL as the database. The results of this system development make classroom management more effective and efficient.</em></p>2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## APLIKASI PEMBAYARAN PAJAK BUMI DAN BANGUNAN PADA BPPRD KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH2024-06-12T00:51:39+00:00Hilda Dwi Yunita[email protected]Rio Romadhona[email protected]Triyugo Winarko[email protected]Ahmad Ikhwan[email protected]<p><em>Central Lampung Regency is located in Lampung Province, Central Lampung Regency needs to be supported by high regional original income so that the development carried out can be achieved. However, in reality, there are still obstacles in the implementation of tax collection, such as the presence of dishonest taxpayers in reporting transaction data. Field verification officers have difficulty obtaining actual transaction evidence, causing a lengthy verification process, difficulty presenting accurate and fast tax payment report data and not being transparent with tax data resulting in asynchronousness. This happens because there is no use of technology in online and realtime tax payments. The purpose of this study is to produce WEB Services for land and building tax payment applications that can be connected to the Bank and can monitor reports that are more effective and efficient in presenting data anytime and anywhere. The research method used in this research is descriptive and uses the system development method, namely Waterfall which consists of systems engineering, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. The result of this research is to produce a WEB application that can be used to monitor land and building tax payments and income that can be connected to a bank.</em></p>2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERBANDINGAN TEKNIK EQUIVALENCE CLASS PARTITION DAN TEKNIK BOUNDARY VALUE ANALYSIS PADA WEBSITE KARANG TARUNA KUSUMA MUDA2024-04-17T13:16:25+00:00Suci Br Kembaren[email protected]Oktaviani Oktaviani[email protected]Endah Kurniasari[email protected]Edi Sukirman[email protected]<p><em>Software testing is a testing process to find errors in software. Black box testing is software testing that focuses on software functionality. Techniques that are often used for testing are the Equivalence Class Partitions (ECP) and Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) techniques. Although often used for software testing, the ECP technique and the BVA technique have their own advantages and disadvantages and have the same results, which is valid and invalid, therefore differences as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. The research was conducted by determining the data set, creating test criteria, creating partitions and boundary values that match the test criteria, and creating test data. Tests will be carried out based on the test data that has been made. The results of this study show that the ECP method is superior to the BVA method in terms of test cases passed, test cases failed, defect leakage, total test cases, and cost of finding defect leakage.</em></p>2024-04-16T13:48:14+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR NEW EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT AT PT BPR PRIMADANA ABADI WITH THE TOPSIS METHOD2024-04-16T14:56:10+00:00Aldy Pionanda[email protected]Yulistia .[email protected]<p><em>Employee recruitment is a step taken by the company to accept or reject prospective new employees to help the company. PT BPR Primadana Abadi is a company engaged in the banking sector. Where the company has problems in the process of recruiting new employees. The RUP methodology is used in this study with the aim of being able to help company problems by creating a decision support system. The results and conclusions of this study are a system that can determine the recruitment of new employees for companies using a website-based decision support system TOPSIS method.</em></p>2024-04-16T14:54:53+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ALGORITMA ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK PADA CHATBOT WEBSITE PRODI INFORMATIKA UNSIKA2024-04-16T15:28:59+00:00Yusril Arbizal[email protected]Betha Nurina Sari[email protected]Garno .[email protected]<p><em>The informatics study program is one of the computer science faculty study programs, and the informatics study program has a website to provide information to students of the computer science faculty, especially the informatics study program. But unfortunately the website still lacks the information provided and it is also difficult to find information. Because of this, students often ask for information through the batch whatsapp group or ask directly to the head of the study program. Therefore a chatbot is needed to deal with this problem. The purpose of this research is to implement an artificial neural network algorithm on the chatbot website of the Unsika Informatics Study Program which is useful for making it easier for students to find information quickly. By using the AI Project Cycle method and assisted by the Artificial Intelligence Markup Language model so that accuracy and response speed get good results. The results of the System Usability Scale test on the implemented chatbots show that chatbots can be accepted by students in the with the grand scale category, namely excelent or B with a score of 86.6.</em></p>2024-04-16T15:25:59+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## BALANCING PERAKITAN CABIN MENGGUNAKAN METODE RANKED POSITIONAL WEIGHT (RPW) DAN BAHASA PEMROGRAMAN MATLAB2024-04-17T13:05:12+00:00Windy Dwiparaswati[email protected]<p><em>The Indonesian automotive industry has become an important pillar in the country's manufacturing sector. As production capacity increases, problems will also increase, including disparities in the level of efficiency and productivity of each sub-sector of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia. This occurs due to not having a good process path, such as the uneven distribution of work tasks / machines in the work process so that it is possible to harm the company, so that a solution is needed to increase the efficiency of the production line. This study aims to improve the efficiency of the SL type cabin assembly line production by implementing the Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) method. The research stages include data collection, data analysis, data processing and evaluation. Based on the simulation results, SL type cabin using the Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) method has increased track efficiency by 4.69% from the initial condition, the track efficiency of 75.02% increased to 79.71%. The increased efficiency of the production line can also reduce idle time in the SL type cabin assembly. Based on the calculation results, it can be concluded that by implementing the Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) method can reduce 1 production operator for the SL type cabin assembly so that it can increase the efficiency of the SL type cabin assembly line by reducing idle time.</em></p>2024-04-17T13:04:33+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DEEP LEARNING DALAM MENGIDENTIFIKASI KERETAKAN BAN2024-04-22T00:41:43+00:00savina savina[email protected]Riza Ibnu Adam[email protected]Chaerur Rozikin[email protected]<p><em>Tires are a crucial component of vehicles that play an important role. The functions of tires include reducing vibrations from road irregularities, protecting the wheels from wearing out quickly, and providing ease of movement while driving. Due to their vital nature, it is important to maintain the condition of tires to ensure passenger safety and comfort. Excessive tire usage can lead to damage such as cracks. Cracks in tires can occur due to poor weather conditions and road conditions. Cracks in tires refer to a condition where the tire loses its flexibility and traction capabilities while driving. In fact, research data shows that 80% of traffic accidents on highways occur due to indications of tire damage. Prompt handling and regular checks are required to address and optimize tire damage. The methods used to check tire conditions previously were done manually and relied on human labor. These methods are considered ineffective in identifying tire cracks. In this study, a Deep Learning model using the Transfer Learning ShuffleNet approach was developed to automatically classify tire images in identifying tire cracks. The main objective of this research is to determine the best method in identifying tire cracks and measure the performance of the developed model. In the development of this model, testing was conducted using 10 different scenarios on the created model to find the best method for achieving optimal testing accuracy. The best results obtained were an accuracy of 78% using the ADAM optimizer and 75% using the RMSprop optimizer. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Transfer Learning ShuffleNet method is efficient and capable of accurately detecting tire cracks. This research also successfully determined the best parameters such as the number of epochs, dropout layers, and optimizer in model creation to achieve optimal results. Through the adoption of Transfer Learning ShuffleNet, this research contributes to the development of tire damage detection technology aimed at improving safety and driving comfort.</em></p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-04-22T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## DATA STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH MENGGUNAKAN LOOKER STUDIO DENGAN METODE SNA2024-04-29T02:16:54+00:00Witari Aryunani[email protected]Mufti Aulia[email protected]Imam Purwanto[email protected]Yeni Setiani[email protected]Indra Purnama[email protected]<p>Penulisan ini mengenai <em>visualisasi</em> data yang mempermudah pembaca untuk mendapatkan informasi dari mem<em>visualisasi</em>kan sebuah <em>dataset</em> <em>Student Mental Health</em> dari <em>Kaggle</em> dengan melewati tahapan berupa data <em>collection</em>, data <em>preprocessing</em> yang didalam nya ada data <em>exploration</em> serta data <em>cleaning</em> dengan menggunakan metode SNA(<em>Social Network Analysis</em>) yang bertujuan untuk memvisualisasikan hubungan antara isi <em>dataset</em> yang ada. Penulisan ilmiah ini berisi pengertian dari kesehatan mental, <em>tools</em> yang digunakan, serta penjelasan langkah-langkah dan tahapan yang dilakukan untuk <em>visualisasi</em> data menggunkan metode SNA, yang menghasilkan sebuah <em>dashboard visualisasi</em> yang dapat memberikan sebuah informasi yang lebih informatif serta medah dimengerti antara hubungan isi <em>dataset</em> pada halaman yang dapat diakses pada link <a href=""></a>. <em>Visualisasi</em> yang berguna untuk pengambilan sebuah keputusan yang akan diambil kedepan nya yang berasal dari dataset dan dapat dikembangkan lagi untuk kedepan nya.</p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM INFORMASI MEDIA BERITA ONLINE MENGGUNAKAN METODE WATERFALL BERBASIS WEBSITE2024-05-14T01:14:09+00:00Fauziyyah Putri[email protected]Untoro Apsiswanto[email protected]<p>News portals are websites that offers a wide range of news information. A specific feature of news portals is providing information accessible across multiple devices, including computers, laptops, or cell phones. The existence of a news portal website simplifies access to up-to-date news for readers and also offers advertising opportunities. The advertising service offered on this news portal enables readers to place any advertisement for a fixed fee. The author uses the waterfall method in system development method in designing this program.</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ALGORITMA SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE (SVM) DAN LONG SHORT TERM MEMORY (LSTM) UNTUK PREDIKSI KEPUASAN MAHASISWA TERHADAP KINERJA DOSEN2024-05-14T21:54:14+00:00Fathoni Dwiatmoko[email protected]Nuari Anisa Sivi[email protected]Imam Mualim[email protected]Jagat Satria[email protected]Agung Satrio[email protected]<p>Education serves as the primary foundation to fulfill life's needs through the acquisition of adequate knowledge. The educational process aims to create high-quality Human Resources (HR), starting from elementary education to higher education. Performance evaluation of lecturers is essential as they play a vital role in daily interactions with students, impacting student satisfaction.</p> <p>This research aims to compare Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithms in predicting student satisfaction with lecturer performance. The variables used include responsiveness, reliability, appearance, and empathy. The study results are expected to provide further insights into the effectiveness of both methods in predicting student satisfaction.</p> <p>The analysis of SVM and LSTM algorithm calculations is based on satisfaction data from students at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Nahdlatul Ulama University Lampung. Data collection involved feedback from 2462 respondents on lecturer performance obtained from the Quality Cluster in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FASTEK), recorded in an Excel format. The accuracy results of the SVM and LSTM algorithms, based on the evaluation of the testing system, show a comparison of accuracy results. SVM algorithm accuracy is 98.78%, while LSTM algorithm accuracy is 98.68%. It is concluded that the SVM algorithm provides satisfactory results in determining the level of student satisfaction.</p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## FITUR MEMBER LOYALTY SOFTWARE ODOO COMMUNITY PADA YABIE FOOD & DRINKS2024-07-19T02:13:34+00:00M Rendy Baguspriawan[email protected]Oman Komarudin[email protected]Intan Purnamasari[email protected]<p><em>Odoo is a customizable enterprise resource planning software. Odoo has various versions, ranging from the paid and complete enterprise version to the community version with standard features. The Point of Sale (POS) module in Odoo Community does not provide a comprehensive range of discount variants. Yabie Food & Drinks (YFD) needs discount variants to enhance its sales productivity. This research conducts customization of the discount feature in Odoo Community software for YFD. The main objective of this research is to perform the necessary adjustments and configurations to customize the discount feature in the Odoo POS module according to the needs of YFD. The research methodology used in this study is Scrum Agile, which includes the stages of product backlog, sprint backlog, daily scrum, sprint review, and product backlog validation. The research results demonstrate that customizing the discount feature in Odoo for YFD provides an effective solution to improve business efficiency and productivity. The quality of customization is evaluated based on predetermined criteria, and it is determined that the customization sufficiently meets the business and technical requirements. The customization aligns with the established business and technical needs and provides significant benefits to end users. The development and implementation of a specific discount feature in Odoo have successfully increased the sales productivity of YFD.</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENJUALAN DETERGENT TERLARIS MENGGUNAKAN METODE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR(K-NN)2024-08-05T03:19:41+00:00Lusi suryadi[email protected]Dwi Marisa Efendi[email protected]Nurmayanti Nurmayanti[email protected]Pakarti Riswanto[email protected]Rima Mawarni[email protected]<p><em>Housing is one of the basic human needs and is an important factor in increasing human dignity. This is a very dominant problem in human survival to carry out all its activities. Prospective buyers are not easy in choosing housing, because hasty decision making will not provide the satisfaction expected by prospective buyers. In determining residential housing requires consideration to get a residence that fits expectations, because everyone has different abilities. This study aims to create a decision support system for selecting the best housing in accordance with the wishes and needs using the WASPAS method with housing selection criteria including developer, price, land area, building area, distance to the city center. The results of the recommendations from the selection of Bukit Semarang Jaya Metro developer criteria with the WASPAS method are Bukit Kencana Jaya housing with a Qi value = 0.872. Bukit Kencana Jaya has the highest value because it has a low price where the price criteria have the highest percentage weight. The combination of price advantage and weight advantage gives Bukit Kencana Jaya a high value</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Manajemen Bandwith Jaringan Internet Sekolah Menggunakan Metode Peer Connection Queue (Studi Kasus: SMP Sandrem)2024-08-24T05:37:55+00:00Sugeng Iman Santosa[email protected]Didi Juardi[email protected]Nono Heryana[email protected]<p><em>The aim of this study is to implement equitable bandwidth management on the internet network at SMP Sandrem using the Peer Connection Queue (PCQ) method during activities such as downloading, uploading, and browsing. Additionally, this research aims to configure bandwidth management using the PCQ method on both wired and wireless media. The research methodology used is the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC), which includes stages such as analysis, design, simulation, prototype, implementation, monitoring, and management. The results of the study show that the implementation of bandwidth management using the PCQ method successfully provides fair and equitable allocation to each user. Through the use of simple queues, network configuration, monitoring, and management become easier. Testing on 2 devices showed an allocation of approximately 10 Mbps, while with 3 devices, the allocation was around 6-7 Mbps. This bandwidth management approach offers flexibility and scalability without rigid maximum bandwidth limitations. In conclusion, the implementation of bandwidth management using the PCQ method at SMP Sandrem has had a positive impact on effective bandwidth allocation and network quality improvement in the school. Recommendations include regular monitoring, evaluation, and adjustment of the implemented configurations to maintain optimal network performance and meet user requirements.</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) MENGGUNAKAN SLIMS DENGAN METODE RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT (RAD)2024-08-28T04:26:24+00:00Marselina Rahmawati[email protected]<p><em>The library, as a crucial representation in the educational process, plays a vital role in providing curriculum- aligned resources to broaden the scope of knowledge and enhance the quality of education. However, observations conducted on the SMK Satu Nusa 2 Bandar Lampung Library reveal a less efficient manual system, leading to obstacles in book borrowing and returning, and challenges in book collection management. To address these issues, one solution identified is the development of a Library Management System (LMS) supported by SLiMS 9 Bulian, integrated with QR Code technology using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. This integration is anticipated to enhance the functionality of the digital library and improve efficiency in collection management and the services provided by the library.</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERANGKAT LUNAK UNTUK APLIKASI LABA RUGI (Studi Kasus : PADA GOLDEN HEN FRIED CHICKEN BANDAR LAMPUNG)2024-08-28T04:22:19+00:00Akni Widiyastuti[email protected]Sukatmi Sukatmi[email protected]Pitrawati Pitrawati[email protected]A’i Septiani[email protected]<h1>ABSTRAK</h1> <p>Golden Hen Fried Chicken Bandar Lampung merupakan usaha yang bergerak dibidang kuliner, yang saat ini sudah memiliki dua outlet. Dari penjualan kedua outlet tersebut perharinya bisa meraup omset sebanyak Rp 1.200.000. Namun, dalam mengolah data keuangan tersebut, proses pencatatan dan penyajian laporan keuangannya masih dilakukan secara manual di buku tulis. Hal ini seringkali menimbulkan masalah, seperti kesalahan pencatatan, sulit dalam pencarian dan pengolahan data, kehilangan data, tidak adanya tempat penyimpanan data yang memadai, keterlambatan dalam pembuatan laporan laba rugi dan kesalahan lain yang disebabkan oleh faktor sumber daya manusia maupun alat kerja yang belum memadai.</p> <p> </p> <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah rekayasa perangkat lunak yang menghasilkan aplikasi laba rugi pada Golden Hen Fried Chicken Bandar Lampung. Kegiatan penelitian ini dimulai dengan kegiatan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan studi pustaka, kemudian dilakukan pengembangan sistem dengan metode Extreme Programming, dimana tahapan perancangan sistem digambarkan menggunakan use case, activity diagram, dan class diagram. Tahap pembangunan sistem dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan database MySQL.</p> <p> </p> <p>Hasil penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya perangkat lunak untuk aplikasi laba rugi pada usaha Golden Hen Fried Chicken Bandar Lampung yang mampu mengolah data keuangan usaha menjadi lebih terstruktur dan terorganisasi, sehingga dapat mengatasi dan meminimalisir kesalahan yang timbul dan dapat membantu memudahkan pekerjaan karyawan dalam menyajikan laporan keuangan laba rugi usaha secara cepat, tepat dan akurat.</p> <p> </p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##