• Rindy Febrianingsih
  • Aliy Hafiz
Keywords: cryptography, caesar, cipher, security, data


Cryptography is a part of science that studies about how to keep data or messages safe. Technical cryptographic algorithms consist of substitution and transposition of data. cryptographic techniques can be used to deal with leakage problems in data or information, because cryptography uses mathematical formulas, ranging from simple formulas to complex formulas. In this study caesarean cipher algorithm was used. Caesarean cipher algorithm is included in classical cryptography which has a symmetrical key. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the caesarean cipher algorithm can help in securing data so that data leakage can be minimized


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How to Cite
R. Febrianingsih and A. Hafiz, “IMPLEMENTASI KRIPTOGRAFI BERBASIS CAESAR CHIPER UNTUK KEAMANAN DATA”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 81-86, Oct. 2019.

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