The interactive media recognizing the names of these animals displays various kinds of animals and their habitats. Presented in pictures and writing. The delivery process to early childhood is assisted by the teacher or parent. This certainly demands to be able to attract children's attention and try to optimize the delivery of information in this interactive media so that it can be digested properly. Starting from this problem, the author will design a teaching media to recognize names in the form of images that display animals that are also equipped with audio from animal sounds. The visual and audio elements that are combined in this media are expected to be able to achieve the objectives of designing the interactive media. The purpose of designing the interactive media itself is how to deliver the information more optimally and to increase the attention and independence of early childhood in getting to know the animals and plants around them through interactive media. The results of designing interactive media to recognize animal names are packaged in the form of an android application with a neat design so that children become interested. Where the information is packaged in the form of knowing the names of the animals, singing videos and animal guessing quizzes.
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