Education plays a very important role in the development of the nation, because through the education sector Human Resources (HR) will be produced that are of higher quality and capable of developing the nation and state so that a just and prosperous society will be achieved. In teaching, a teacher is expected to be able to determine the appropriate teaching approach in the teaching and learning process. To improve students' reasoning in the teaching and learning process, it is also necessary to create an approach that can increase students' attention to the subject matter. The problem is how to persuade students or students to try to develop their enthusiasm for learning in order to get optimal achievement. One of the things that can be used as a solution to this problem is using reward and punishment methods, learning methods that are used to influence someone to improve learning achievement. Many people are familiar with this method. Initially this theory was the basis for the world of work, but recently it has also been used in the world of education. It is hoped that the reward and punishment method will encourage students to increase their willingness and awareness of learning so that their learning achievement and awareness of student violations can be improved. So the researchers created a reward and punishment system that was given in the form of small points which could later be accessed via the school website which could be monitored by the students' parents. This research provides a solution to such problems by using reward and punishment methods, learning methods used to influence someone to improve learning achievement. Reward and punishment points will be collected through an application that will be created. If a student's violation reaches the highest point, the student's parents will receive a summons notification via SMS. The application that will be created can be accessed by the student's parents to see the number of student rewards and punishments.
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