Libraries were established as a condition to meet the needs of information in the form of printed media that can be accessed by everyone, especially those in educational circles. There are various types of libraries, one of which is the school library. The school library itself is a facility that can be used to store all information about the world of education, science and provide information services in the form of library services to students in the school environment.
In this case, the libraries in the first Middle School Negeri 3 Negara Batin are still found in a variety of problems that can hinder all processes of service to students. With the discovery of problems in the management of administrative data at SMP N 3 Negara Batin libraries, software was created that could provide solutions to assist librarians in managing library administration data at SMP N 3 Negara Batin. In this era of globalization, libraries in schools, especially schools in remote areas, should also be able to utilize information systems as infrastructure and facilities to support teaching and learning activities.
With the development of a web-based library information system using the Extreme Programming (XP) method, it is hoped that it can provide solutions to improve service processes and performance of librarians in terms of library administration data management and accelerate book borrowing and returning transactions by students of SMP N 3 Negara Batin.
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