• Nurmayanti Nurmayanti
  • Windy Dwi Bahari
  • Rima Mawarni
Keywords: GIS Puskesmas, Location, Health Office


Puskesmas are needed for the community at large, especially now that medical costs are very expensive for most people. For this reason, an affordable choice of health facilities such as puskesmas is needed. Often many puskesmas locations and infrastructure facilities are not widely known and are not balanced by information.

In this case to design a Geographic Information System (GIS) to be able to find out the location of the health center and its infrastructure. In designing and developing applications, Extreme Programming is used and the data source used in this study is the North Lampung Regency Map obtained from the Google Maps API.

The result is an application system that can be operated by the wider community with the aim to find out the location of the puskesmas and its infrastructure in North Lampung District. So that the community can more easily find out the location of the puskesmas and its infrastructure only by using keywords to search for the puskesmas location. This geographical information system can know the road that must be passed to the puskesmas and know what infrastructure facilities are in the puskesmas


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How to Cite
N. Nurmayanti, W. Bahari, and R. Mawarni, “SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS PUSKESMAS BESERTA SARANA DAN PRASARANA BERBASIS WEB MOBILE”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 23-32, Apr. 2020.

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