• Hilda Dwi Yunita Universitas Mitra Indonesia
  • Rio Romadhona Universitas Mitra Indonesia
  • Triyugo Winarko Universitas Mitra Indonesia
  • Ahmad Ikhwan Universitas Mitra Indonesia


Central Lampung Regency is located in Lampung Province, Central Lampung Regency needs to be supported by high regional original income so that the development carried out can be achieved. However, in reality, there are still obstacles in the implementation of tax collection, such as the presence of dishonest taxpayers in reporting transaction data. Field verification officers have difficulty obtaining actual transaction evidence, causing a lengthy verification process, difficulty presenting accurate and fast tax payment report data and not being transparent with tax data resulting in asynchronousness. This happens because there is no use of technology in online and realtime tax payments. The purpose of this study is to produce WEB Services for land and building tax payment applications that can be connected to the Bank and can monitor reports that are more effective and efficient in presenting data anytime and anywhere. The research method used in this research is descriptive and uses the system development method, namely Waterfall which consists of systems engineering, analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. The result of this research is to produce a WEB application that can be used to monitor land and building tax payments and income that can be connected to a bank.


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How to Cite
H. Yunita, R. Romadhona, T. Winarko, and A. Ikhwan, “IMPLEMENTASI APLIKASI PEMBAYARAN PAJAK BUMI DAN BANGUNAN PADA BPPRD KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 12, no. 01, pp. 78-84, Apr. 2024.