Web Based social Assistance data processing in pangkalan Babat village
Pangkalan Babat is a village located in the Empat Petulai Dangku District, Muara Enim Regency. In the processing of social assistance data, manual methods are still used, such as written reports and recording data in Microsoft Word, which often result in data input errors and inaccuracies in providing accurate reports. Due to frequent changes in social assistance recipient data, which may increase or decrease, the manual approach can hinder the work of village officials as it requires a considerable amount of time and has inadequate data storage security. The purpose of this research is to facilitate and expedite the processing of Social Assistance Data for village officials. To obtain the necessary data for the study, the author uses data collection methods and system development using a simple web program. The research results include BPNT Data Report, PKH Data Report, Elderly Data Report, BLT Data Report, and Social Assistance Data Processing Software that can facilitate quick, accurate, and precise report processing. This application is built usingVisual Studio Code, MySQL as the database, and Xampp as the server.
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