Penerapan metode Rapid Application Meotde Rapid Application Development (RAD) Dalam Pengembangan SIstem Pemesanan Menu Berbasis Android

  • Aris Baihaqi
  • Tumini Tumini Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi


The spread of the corona virus globally is still increasing day by day. Indonesia is no exception, the number of positive numbers infected with the Covid-19 virus is increasing day by day, although the recovery rate is also increasing every day. There is an appeal from the Government regarding the application of 3M (Washing hands, Wearing masks, Staying away from crowds), one of the affected is coffee shop sellers who only rely on face-to-face contact with buyers experiencing a decrease in turnover and income, because people are required to do various activities at home either at work, in school or in social activities. The development of mobile devices provides enormous benefits for people's lives, especially when facing current conditions, where the whole world is faced with the COVID-19 pandemic. Online shopping is a smart way to take advantage of the development of mobile devices in a positive way during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to design a menu ordering application at an Android-based coffee shop which uses the RAD method (Rapid Application Development)


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How to Cite
A. Baihaqi and T. Tumini, “Penerapan metode Rapid Application Meotde Rapid Application Development (RAD) Dalam Pengembangan SIstem Pemesanan Menu Berbasis Android”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 95-102, Oct. 2021.