Web-Based Inventory Accounting Information System at Class II A Penitentiary Banceuy Bandung

  • Teuku Rian Hardiyansyah Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Bandung
  • Fatia Salsa Azzahra politeknik piksi ganesha bandung
Keywords: Penitentiary Class II A Banceuy Bandung, Inventory, System Design


The problem faced by the Class II A Banceuy Bandung Penitentiary is that the request for goods carried out by the staff is still done manually and often causes a problem, the problem is that each staff can request goods to the sapras section without any restrictions, this causes the activity of requesting goods not monitored, and causes the stock of goods in the warehouse to run out. The purpose of this research is to facilitate the process of requesting goods and supplies of Banceuy Prison goods by creating a Web-Based Inventory Accounting Information System, using the waterfall research method. To obtain the necessary information and data, interviews were used as a data collection method. Then design the database and UI, and then do the coding process with the PHP and MySQL programming languages ​​to create a database. The inventory accounting information system created will have features to view inventory data, input goods in, input goods out. The functional requirements of this system have been tested, and the processes are in accordance with the existing business processes at the Class II A Banceuy Penitentiary Bandung. The system helps so that the process of requesting goods can be carried out easily by Banceuy prison staff and can also view inventory data, so that the performance and service felt by the staff are maximized.


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How to Cite
T. Hardiyansyah and F. Azzahra, “Web-Based Inventory Accounting Information System at Class II A Penitentiary Banceuy Bandung”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 01-07, Oct. 2021.