STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi is one of the tertiary institutions operating in information technology, such as academic information systems, journal information systems and others, but at STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi does not yet have an indicator that can state that the performance of information technology is in accordance with goals to be achieved. Then it is necessary to analyze information technology governance to find out whether the performance of information technology is now as expected by management or not.
The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with quantitative approach, that is research which is then processed and analyzed to draw conclusions, then research with quantitative descriptive method is a form of research based on data collected during research systematically about the facts and nature -the nature of the object under study by combining the relationships between the variables involved in it, then interpreted based on theories and literature that aims to provide a fairly clear picture of the problem under study, and the data will be calculated statistically.
Based on maturity level maturity level analysis in DS11 domain, it is found that maturity level is at level 4-Defined level, for DS12 domain it is found that maturity level is at level 4 - Defined leve, and at ME01 domain it is found that maturity level is at Level: 4 - Defined level.
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