This research aims to design and implement an electronic payment system at PT. XYZ who wants to develop a business from server-to-server or B2B to B2C for selling credit products and payments. The existing system does not fully support business development to B2C, such as large operational requirements due to having to use a VPS (Virtual Private Server) and licensing fees, to carry out product purchase transactions still using text format using chat platforms such as Telegram and SMS and the process is slow. system development. After knowing the existing obstacles, the author applies the PHP programming language as a web program that is used by admins to manage product and price data and Java to produce Android applications for use by end users or sellers such as shops, stalls and credit counters. To speed up the development process, the author uses the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method with the stages of Requirements Planning, System Design, Development Process and feedback collection and finally Implementation.
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