• Toto Andri Puspito IAIN METRO
Keywords: Aplication PLP, Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan, SIMPELPRO


This research was motivated by Pengenalan lapangan persekolahan (PLP), organized by the Faculty of tarbiyah and teacher training at the state Islamic Institute of Metro.PLP is the process of observation / observation and observation made by students to study aspects of learning and management of Education in the Education Unit (PLP) is a stage in the process of preparing professional teachers at the level of Bachelor of education programs, in the form of assignments to students to implement learning outcomes through observation of the learning process in schools/, The exercises develop learning tools, and learn guided teaching, as well as accompanied by reflective actions under the guidance and supervision of the supervising lecturer and guardian teacher in stages. Pengenalan lapangan persekolahan (PLP) is intended for students in Undergraduate Education Programs. The scope of the PLP activities is student activities which include (1) observation, analysis and direct appreciation of activities related to school culture, school management, and school dynamics as an institution 4 Education and learning developers, (2) apprenticeship activities to understand all teacher tasks, both academic and administrative tasks. With the Sistem Informasi Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan (SIMPELPRO) will make it easier for students to collect tasks that must be completed, and corrected easily by the supervisor. The mentoring process is no longer limited by in-person meetings, it is more flexible.

Keywords: Aplication PLP, Pengenalan Lapangan Persekolahan, SIMPELPRO


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How to Cite
T. Puspito, “RANCANG BANGUNG SISTEM INFORMASI PENGENALAN PERSEKOLAHAN (SIMPELPRO) PADA IAIN METRO”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 11, no. 02, pp. 298-305, Oct. 2023.