Data Application Realization of Oxygen Production Costs at PT. ARM Gas Mandiri is a system designed to monitor and manage data on actual oxygen production costs in the company. PT. ARM Gas Mandiri is a company engaged in the production and distribution of oxygen, so it is important to have an application that can help optimize the oxygen production process. With the Data Application Realization of Oxygen Production Costs, PT. ARM Gas Mandiri is expected to be able to increase production efficiency, and make better decisions based on accurate data analysis. This application can also provide useful information for long-term planning and strategic decision making in running the oxygen production business. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and literature study. The type of data consists of qualitative data and data sources consist of primary and secondary data. The device development method uses the waterfall method. The result of this research is that it can help PT. ARM GAS MANDIRI in calculating the cost of oxygen production per day.
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