Zuno's Inventory Information System is an Inventory management Information System that has been running since 2018. Until now, no information system audit has been held. In its application, the Zuno Information System often experiences server down problems. So it is necessary to carry out an inventory information system audit. Zuno's Persediaan System Audit aims to assess the company's maturity level in implementing its information system, so that it is known what things need to be improved to achieve company goals. The method used is the COBIT 2019 framework. The audited domains, obtained from the COBIT 2019 mapping using the COBIT 2019 design toolkit are DSS01 – Managed Operations, DSS02 – Managed Service Requests and DSS03 – Managed Issues. Based on the audited domain, the DSS01 maturity value was obtained with a value of 2.98 with a maturity level of 3 which means that the application of information systems within the company has described the company's goals, DSS02 with a value of 3.68 with a maturity level of 3 as well and DSS04 with a value of 3.44 with a maturity level of maturity 4 which means the information system within the company is running well. The average gap value obtained is 0.63 from the expected maturity value of 4
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