Odoo is a customizable enterprise resource planning software. Odoo has various versions, ranging from the paid and complete enterprise version to the community version with standard features. The Point of Sale (POS) module in Odoo Community does not provide a comprehensive range of discount variants. Yabie Food & Drinks (YFD) needs discount variants to enhance its sales productivity. This research conducts customization of the discount feature in Odoo Community software for YFD. The main objective of this research is to perform the necessary adjustments and configurations to customize the discount feature in the Odoo POS module according to the needs of YFD. The research methodology used in this study is Scrum Agile, which includes the stages of product backlog, sprint backlog, daily scrum, sprint review, and product backlog validation. The research results demonstrate that customizing the discount feature in Odoo for YFD provides an effective solution to improve business efficiency and productivity. The quality of customization is evaluated based on predetermined criteria, and it is determined that the customization sufficiently meets the business and technical requirements. The customization aligns with the established business and technical needs and provides significant benefits to end users. The development and implementation of a specific discount feature in Odoo have successfully increased the sales productivity of YFD.
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