Abstract. One of the presence systems has begun to switch from a manual system to an automation system using
a smartphone. The data archiving system with manual conditions can be considered inefficient because it can
take a long time to archive data resulting in an error in assessing attendance. At MAN 2 Karawang there is one
aspect of student assessment which is measured based on the number of attendance of these students. The
attendance system currently running at MAN 2 Karawang has not yet implemented smartphone technology. The
problem that arises with this attendance system is that there is a manual attendance system which results in
teachers and TU staff having to input data one by one. Therefore, it is necessary to design and manufacture a
presence application using geolocation to overcome this problem. This presence application was built using
the Mobile Application Development Life Cycle method. By utilizing existing geolocation technology on
smartphones. The attendance process in the attendance application using geolocation is done by taking a photo
containing data according to the database, then the teacher's smartphone sends attendance data to the
database, so this data can be accessed anytime and anywhere.
Keywords: Presence, Android, Geolocation
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