• Ferly Ardhy
  • Hendra Syahrobi
Keywords: Script Lampung, Android


Android is really needed by the public in general, especially millennial, especially nowadays Android is very many kinds and almost everyone has a smartphone as a medium of communication, learning and so on. With this Android-based Lampung alphabet learning application is expected to help students and Lampung young generation (millennial) to find out the shape of Lampung letters only by accessing their smartphones. In this case the authors designed the design of Android-based Lampung learning applications to be able to find out the shape of the parent letters, letter children, and examples of their writing along with how to pronounce them. In the design and development of this application uses the method of developing extreme programming and in the design process uses Unity 3D software version 5.6.7. The result is a Lampung alphabet learning application that can be operated by the wider community, especially students and young people (millennial) of the Lampung community with the aim of preserving the cultural heritage of the Lampung community and to be able to know the shape of the parent letter, the child of the letter, and examples of its writing and how to pronounce it, which can be run or accessed on an Android smartphone.


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How to Cite
F. Ardhy and H. Syahrobi, “RANCANG BANGUN APLIKASI PEMBELAJARAN AKSARA LAMPUNG BERBASIS ANDROID”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 135-143, Oct. 2021.

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