Aplikasi Tata Cara Wudhu Menggunakan Teknologi Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran di TK Al Fatih
As the development of technology that is rapidly growing technology also participated influence in the field of education. But not too exploited in the field of education that need a tool props . Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology with the concept of combining the dimensions of the world real to the dimensions of the world maya which in show in real time. It is in doing by way of drawing objects of three dimensions on a marker, which is a pattern that is unique and can be recognized by the application. Smartphone allows the development of applications Augmented Reality with mud ah , and may be accessed by many users. Augmented Reality can be used in various fields, one of which is as a means of education for children. Augmented Reality can be used to create an environment of learning that is more interactive in which the child - the child can interact directly with the object world virtual so that the child - the child was able to play while learning. S Before the implement of worship to pray according to jumhur Ulama ' said that perform ablution is recommended before doing worship tawaf at the Ka'bah, holding the Mushaf Al - Qur'an and worship other. At ablution contained a wisdom that suggests to us down should a Muslim start the worship and life to the sanctity of birth inward. By because the people of Muslim should know the procedure how to perform ablutions are appropriate Shari'a of Islam. In the study 's authors will make media learning system how to perform ablution using the technology of Augmented Reality , applications are used , namely, Blender to create models of 3D character man along with animated motion ablution with methods pose to pose , CorelDraw to create a marker and design of display applications, Unity 3D for create an Android -based Augmented Reality application . The results of this study used the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method.
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