• Julian Murhan Sahputra
  • Indah Purnamasari
Keywords: Innovation Idea Proposal System (IP), Web Based.


In the development of science, humans actually tend to move forward. Especially in the field of technology, the presence of the internet and the convenience it provides are the benchmarks of a country. For this reason, the author wants to use this technology for use in society. Developing web-based and responsive applications that can be opened using smartphones or small screens for companies is the author's goal. where the results of employee innovation can be directly processed by the division that needs it anytime and anywhere as long as it is connected to the internet. The author designed this information system where the construction uses the php programming language and the database uses mysqli. The author also uses frameworks and plugins. The framework used for php is codeigniter version 3.17 and for css using bootstrap version 3.3.7. In the information system that the author made, there are 3 actors or users involved, namely HR-PX, Employees, and Section Heads, where previously for inputting employee ideas, employees must write their ideas on a manual form that is handwritten or printed. paper, and employees submit approval to the section head and HR manually and it takes quite a long time, and even for section heads and HR to carry out an assessment it is still manual and there are often data errors or loss of paper forms, so with this system HR- PX is the system manager where he creates master data from employee data, section data, section head data to employee idea data and manages the system. Furthermore, the Section Head who can provide value from the results of the employee's ideas besides the section head can also provide notes for the purpose of development or innovation on the next idea in the development process. And lastly, employees, to input the ideas they have made, and can also see a recap of the ideas they have made while working, besides that employees can also see the value or results of their innovation ideas while working.


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How to Cite
J. Sahputra and I. Purnamasari, “PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI IDEA PROPOSAL (IP) BERBASIS WEB PADA PT. PAXEL ALGORITA UNGGUL”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 30-35, Oct. 2021.