Data management in the Student Master Book is very important for every school because it supports the fluency in providing information. The Student Master Book is also an important part and is included in the supporting elements of a school's accreditation. Many schools still manage the Student Master Book manually and ineffectively. In this case, because the education administration system that exists in each school is still using the data administration method that has not been computerized. The Student Master Book requires a long time to work because the staff or teacher must write it manually, the Student Master Book is also vulnerable to damage and loss. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to build a Web-Based Student Master Book Application which is expected to help administrative staff, teachers and students. The research method that the authors made using a descriptive method that describes a situation or problem that is currently happening based on the facts and data obtained and collected at the time of conducting the research. The waterfall method is implemented in building applications so that the resulting applications are better and of higher quality. Based on the results of the discussion and conclusions made to the Web-Based Student Master Book Application with the Laravel framework, that the student master book application has been created and can be used and can help schools in managing student master book data for teachers and easy access to student information and parents or student Guardian.
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