Penerapan Algoritma K-means Untuk Pengelompokan Usia Pasien Penerima Vaksin di KAB. Ngawi
The world pandemic that was established in 2019 was discovered in Wuhan, China and spread throughout the world, namely the Corona Virus Disease or Covid-19. Indonesia's Covid-19 cases are increasing drastically every day, until the implementation of the lockdown, PSBB and PPKM. This is Indonesia's effort to reduce the increase in COVID-19. After the development of the vaccine in Indonesia and it has been distributed throughout Indonesia, the government requires the public to get the vaccine. Likewise in the district. Ngawi. the public can register with the Health Office to get the vaccine schedule and location placement. By using the k-means algorithm method in placing vaccines, the Health Office can help group vaccine locations for the community based on existing data. In building a website grouping system by applying the k-means algorithm, the Waterfall model system development method is used. The website that will be built will display the results of the k-means calculation with the specified cluster and display the closest distance. From these calculations, the website can also display the grouping of vaccine locations which are divided into 3 clusters, namely the Ngawi Public Health Center, the Ngawi Ancient Health Center and the Padas Health Center. The application of the k-means algorithm method on the website is expected to assist the performance of the Health Office in determining the placement of vaccine locations for prospective vaccine patients who have registered.
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