Penerapan Finite State Automata Pada Vending Machine Penjual Obat Non Resep Dokter Dan Keperluan Medis

Penerapan Finite State Automata Pada Vending Machine Penjual Obat Non Resep Dokter Dan Keperluan Medis

  • Eko Supriyanto student
  • Angga Ardiansyah
  • Frieyadie Frieyadie
  • Sri Rahayu
  • Windu Gata


The need for non-prescription drugs and medical needs is one of the most important needs to be fulfilled easily, quickly, precisely, and safely for today's society, the wide selection of drugs sold requires people to be able to choose carefully and precisely in buying drugs according to their needs The disease experienced, information about the content, rules of use and side effects of the drug is also very important for the public to know in order to maximize the benefits of the drugs consumed. The currently available drug sales system is direct sales at pharmacies, grocery stores and online which have limitations in the distribution of store availability and limited service time. This study aims to provide an alternative system for selling non-prescription drugs and medical needs by utilizing the development of vending machine (VM) technology using finite state automata (FSA model Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)). With the advantages of selling using a VM that can be placed anywhere and can operate at any time, making sales with this system available anytime and anywhere to meet the urgent needs of medicine and medical needs for the community easily, quickly, precisely, and safely. The methods applied in the application of FSA to VMs selling non-prescription drugs and medical needs include Finite State Automata VMs for non-prescription drugs and medical needs, system design for VMs for non-prescription drugs and medical needs, and design of VMs for non-prescription drugs and medical supplies. Medical Needs. Based on the design of the FSA VM above, a VM of Non-Prescription Drug Sellers and Medical Needs is produced which can be placed anywhere and available at any time, so it can be concluded that the use of finite state automata (FSA) Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) models can be utilized in making VMs Seller of Non Prescription Drugs and Medical Needs by providing a menu of cash and non-cash payment methods, the need for drugs and urgent medical needs for the community can be met easily, quickly, precisely and safely.


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How to Cite
E. Supriyanto, A. Ardiansyah, F. Frieyadie, S. Rahayu, and W. Gata, “Penerapan Finite State Automata Pada Vending Machine Penjual Obat Non Resep Dokter Dan Keperluan Medis”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 08-14, Oct. 2021.