• Sigit Mintoro STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi
  • Ngajiyanto Ngajiyanto STMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Kotabumi
  • Sidik Rahmatullah
  • Nurmayanti Nurmayanti
  • Melpin Aprido Jenius
Keywords: Learning Application, Sign Language, C#, Prototyping, Unity.


The society's view of people with hearing disabilities is still very low, we can overcome this by trying to learn and get to know sign language which can make communication easier, both for ourselves, others, and everything or any information we want to convey through sign language. The application of the Android operating system on mobile devices can be used to support personal productivity. One of them is by using these facilities as a place for learning. In this study, the Android-Based Learning Application for Sign Language Basics will be created with Unity as the basis of programming, and the C# programming language and assisted by the Prototyping development method so that it supports the programming of this application to be more efficient. From this research, a program is produced, namely the Android-Based Learning Application for Sign Language Basics which is a learning application that aims to help learn to understand sign language.


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How to Cite
S. Mintoro, N. Ngajiyanto, S. Rahmatullah, N. Nurmayanti, and M. Jenius, “APLIKASI BELAJAR DASAR-DASAR BAHASA ISYARAT BERBASIS ANDROID”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 88-93, Apr. 2021.

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