Senior High School is a school that has a mission to prepare qualified and reliable students by accommodating a variety of backgrounds and different student personalities. With these differences encourage students to commit acts of violation in school. These violations cause delays in learning activities in schools, and reduce the quality of schools. To help and minimize the occurrence of violations in schools, this research was conducted using data mining techniques with the naïve Bayes classifier method and the system development method is waterfall. The implementation will be applied to the program with the 2019 visual studio tool and using the MYSQLi database. The attributes that will be used are gender, type of residence, school origin, distance of the house, father's education, father's occupation, father's income, mother's education, mother's occupation, and mother's income. The application of this system aims to assist schools in classifying the level of student discipline and produce outputs of grouping levels of student discipline with high and low classes. From the test results of testing data which amounted to 8 records with 10 variables produce an accuracy of 63% and an error of 38%, so it can be concluded that this system is good to be seen from the data obtained based on its suitability.
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