• Yuli Syafitri
  • Reni Astika
  • Septian Hernando
Keywords: Monitoring, Breach, Web.


All this time observation to student a large part just did by school party. With tall rushing zoom, minim oldster does monitoring to its children developing at school. Information about process developing studies student just usually accepted by oldster once deep one semester, namely while accepts raport . If student does breach, therefore school party will call oldster by sends writ. Usually pelangaran which doing to cover absence, point, moneys paying delay schooled (OSIS'S money), and other breach cases that done by student. It obviously doesn't give a lot of solution since oldster not give observation since early. To the effect this research student monitoring information system to be able to reduce troublesome student that is at MTs Al Islamiah Bunut Kabupaten Pesawaran as: Student presents,sswa's discipline, and informer about school. Systems developmental method on this final task is Xxtreme Programming (XP). Result of this research as application of data processing can result needed information effectively and efficient so Monitoring reporting makings student on MTs Al Islamiah Bunut Pesawaran's Regency not late. Besides system this a new one a lot easier in Monitoring data processing process student.


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How to Cite
Y. Syafitri, R. Astika, and S. Hernando, “SISTEM INFORMASI MONITORING SISWA PADA MTS AL-ISLAMIAH BUNUT KABUPATEN PESAWARAN”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 70-74, Apr. 2020.

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