Most of coffee production in Indonesia is plantation commodities which are sold to the world market. The development of the use of land resources to date has not contributed significantly to increasing coffee production. This is influenced by varying land conditions based on the geographical location of Gunung Gijul Village, so a decision support system is needed that can help in increasing coffee production in Gunung Gijul Village, North Lampung, which can help the community in determining the best coffee land. In the Decision Support System for Deciding the Best Coffee Land using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method, using the Waterfall system development method and for the programming language using Borland Delphi 7, with a database using Microsoft Access. The Decision Support System for Deciding the Best Coffee Land Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method includes data Land, AHP assessment and reporting. The approach used to support the Decision Support System for Deciding the Best Coffee Land is the Analytic Hierarchy Process Method. This system aims to facilitate the people of Gunung Gijul Village in determining the best coffee land so that it can increase the amount of coffee production. This system produces Determination of the best coffee land with several criteria used by organic elements, soil minerals, water sources, slope of land, and previous crops.
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