• Dien Novita STMIK GI MDP
  • Lisa Amelia
Keywords: online KRS, usability, satisfaction, USE questionnaire, SPSS


The online KRS application at STMIK XYZ Palembang has just been applied, so the analysis needs to be done to get contribution to improve the quality of the application. The analysis in this study is usability analysis and see the relationship between independent variables namely usefulness, ease of use, and ease of learning variables and the dependent variable, namely satisfaction simultaneously or partially. Usability measurements adopted the USE questionnaire, using SPSS in processing data involving 87 respondents from 3 programs at STMIK XYZ Palembang. The results of the analysis show the percentage of feasibility is 85,89%, which means that the usability measurement of the online KRS application have a very acceptable. In addition, it is also proven by testing the hypothesis that there is a significant influence between the variables of usefulness, ease of use, and ease of learning on satisfaction simultaneously. Partially, usefulness and ease of use variables have a significant effect on satisfaction, while the ease of learning variable does not affect satisfaction. The dominant factor that influences user satisfaction in using the online KRS application is ease of use with an average value of 46,4. The results of the study, recommend the need to increase user interest to learn and provide corrections to the shortcomings of the application to be better.


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How to Cite
D. Novita and L. Amelia, “USABILITY ANALYSIS THE ONLINE KRS APPLICATION STMIK XYZ PALEMBANG USING USE QUESTIONNAIRE”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 17-28, Apr. 2019.